A Place to Enhance and Inspire to be CR8TiV !

Feeling Hot ? Cool off with a Maglite Flashlight !!

Summer is always HOT and the time we just feel like emptying out the fridge and sit inside it. But with the sagging economy not everyone can afford to switch on their AC or buy a AC. Sure, we can afford to get a fan or two but all that does is pretty much blow hot air around your room/house. We need that instant relief of coolness. We all search for it be it a local Swimming pool or just drive somewhere in the car to take advantage of the car AC or hit the beach. But then you get home and back to being hot.

Now you read the title of this blog post correctly … I said cool off with Maglite. Yes, I said Maglite ! Those big metal flashlights that most police officers carry. It’s a portable AC that costs nothing bcuz it runs on no electricity or batteries. Well, the flashlight runs on batteries but to use it as a AC costs nothing. The metal of the Maglite is generally cold to the touch but get’s warm after it’s been handled.

How is that make it an AC you ask ?? Well, you take the Maglite … I use the large kind that Police officers would carry. You roll the maglite onto your skin whether across your belly, neck, back, etc. You continue to roll the maglite onto your skin until the Maglite has become warm. Set the Maglite down for a few minutes and it’ll return back to it’s cold icy temp which then you can go back and roll the Maglite on your skin again.

You get the same feeling as you would rolling a ice cold can of beer or soda against your face. Except with the Maglite just leaving it alone for a few minutes it returns to it’s cold temp so the cooling feeling you get from the Maglite is forever. After a few minutes of rolling the cold Maglite across my belly and I feel instantly cooler than before.

The Maglite even works for minor bruises or sprains. Just apply to the area for a few minutes when the Maglite feels warm to the touch set it down to cool back down. Ice often leaves you numb and can be bad for the skin cells if left too long on the skin. But the Maglite just gives a nice cooling sensation when applied to the skin.

I know this sounds a bit redneck-ish or something but until you actually try this don’t judge. So grab your husband’s Maglite and try it out. Comment with what you felt after trying this cooling tip. And a plus is if all those who can afford to switch on the AC causes a power outage your cooling Maglite is a flashlight to light your way and keep you cool. 😀

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Please, show some dignity !

Hi everyone ! (=_=) I’m trying hard to stay active on my MYT CR8TiV site but been more active on my personal blog. But I am going to try my best and become active posting here too. So my post today is about showing some self-respect. As a crafter we are inspired everyday by many things mostly by things we saw on Pinterest, YouTube, CraftGawker, Etsy, etc.

I subscribe on YouTube to a crafter by the name of JustAddABow. She teaches you how to many hairbows for girls via YouTube Tutorials. She also makes custom-made tutus for girls and she recently posted a tutorial on how she makes those Tutus. I have a niece who’s in ballet so I wanted to make her a special tutu and just generally love expanding my creativity.

So I went to my local Walmart to find the tulle rolls which are used to make these tutus. I turn down the aisle that has all the crafting ribbon and I come across two(2) grown women fighting over tulle rolls. Apparently they’ve also watched the same tutorial vid as I did and planning to give it a go. But there wasn’t much color choices and the two(2) women were fighting over a purple roll of tulle.

The one woman had a Magenta/Fushia Pink, Purple, and Bubble gum pink colors and the other woman had the Magenta/Fushia Pink and White but apparently both of them reached for the Purple tulle roll at the same time and the other woman said “Excuse me I was going to buy that roll” and I think the other woman said something “Like too bad it’s mine”.

I stood by looking at other ribbons to add to my hairbow ribbon supply when the other lady said “I was reaching for it first and my grandaughters favorite color is purple” ! The other woman replied “My daughters 3rd birthday is next month and her favorite color is purple too” Next thing I knew this two(2) grown women were fighting over a roll of tulle in a Walmart. They were tugging and pulling like two(2) 3 yr. olds in a tug-a-war over a doll.

When their backs were turned I quickly grabbed a bubble gum pink and white tulle roll and got the heck outta there before they sucked me into their squabble for grabbing a pink and white roll. But seriously people like that make crafting get a bad rap. If she took the tulle roll color you were hoping to get then just go to another Walmart and look for it there.

The Walmart I go to has another Walmart only a few minutes drive from each other. But seriously don’t fight over craft supplies. What are you toddlers fighting over who get’s to use the red crayon ? We’re grown adults and should not stoop to such childish behavior like that. Show some self-respect and dignity bcuz you’re only embarrassing yourselves fighting over something as petty as a roll of tulle in a Walmart.

It’s people like this that is why Walmart has such a bad reputation for being the store of weirdos and freaks. When in reality Walmart is a great store for deals and for crafters like myself it’s a great place to find supplies without breaking your wallet. So please leave your childish behaviors at home and show self-respect, dignity, and maturity when in public.

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